❣Total forest area of India
Ans: 7,01,673 sq. km
๐Ÿ’Percentage of forest area occupied by India in the world
Ans : 1.7%
❣Percentage of forest coverage area jmaintained by India
Ans : 24%
๐Ÿ’Country with largest forest coverage area
Ans : Russia (2nd - Brazil and 3rd - Canada)
❣The position of India on the basis of forest area coverage
Ans : 10th
๐Ÿ’The State having the maximum forest coverage area
Ans : Madhya Pradesh
❣The State having the least forest coverage area
Ans : Haryana
๐Ÿ’The State having the maximum forest area in percentage
Ans : Mizoram
๐Ÿ’The State having the least forest area in percentage
Ans : Punjab
❣The Union Territory having the maximum forest coverage area
Ans : Andaman and Nicobar Islands
๐Ÿ’The Union Territory with least forest area
Ans : Daman & Diu
❣Father of Indian Forest Science
Ans : Dietrich Brandis (Germany)
๐Ÿ’The King who gave importance to forest conservation
Ans : Ashoka
๐Ÿ’Forest conservation belongs to the list of
Ans : Concurrent List
❣The concept 'Vanamaholsav' was introduced by
Ans : K.M.Munshi in 1950
๐Ÿ’Vanamaholsav is celebrated every year on
Ans : July 2nd week
❣The National Forest Policy in India came into force in
Ans : 1952
❣Indian Parliament passed the National Wild Life Protection Act in
Ans : 1972
❣Forest Conservation Act came into force in
Ans : 1980
๐Ÿ’The Forest and Wild Life Ministry in India came into force in
Ans : 1985
❣Indian Environment Protection Act in India came into force in
Ans : 1986
❣Indian Biodiversity Act came into force in
Ans : 2002
❣Chipko Movement is related to
Ans : Conservation of Forest (1973)
❣The person associated with Chipko Movement
Ans : Sundarlal Bahuguna
๐Ÿ’Largest mangroove forest in India
Ans : Sundarban (West Bengal)
๐Ÿ’Project Tiger was started in the year
Ans : 1973


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