Vedic Literature
Vedic Literature - Ancient History Having the status of ‘Shruti’ text (Meaning – Which has been heard), Vedas embody self-existent truth that is thought to be realized by the seers of Hindu tradition, in state of meditation. ‘Smriti’ texts (Meaning- Remembered) include Vedanga, Puranas, Epics, Dharmashashtra, and Nitishastra. Vedic Literature – What are Vedas? The Vedas are the large bodies of religious text that is composed of Vedic Sanskrit and originated in ancient India. They form the oldest scriptures of Hinduism and the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature. The Vedas are said to have passed on through verbal transmission from one generation to the next. Therefore, they are also known as Shruti. The Vedic literature consists of four Vedas, namely: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda. The mantra text of each of the Vedas is called Samhita. Types of Vedic Literature There are broadly two types of Vedic literature: Shruti Literature – The word ‘Shruti’ from the...