Saka Era
Saka Era (The Shakas) Sakas belonged to Scythian Ethnic stock. The movement of Sakas into north-western India came to heels of their displacement from the plains of Syr Darya (Jaxartes) by the Great Yueh Chi tribe (Chinese Tribe) in the 2nd century BCE. Aspirants should know that the term, ‘Sakas’ is interrelatedly used with ‘Shakas’ and ‘Indo-Scythians;’ meaning of all is the same. Introduction to Shakas After the decline of the Mauryan Empire, northwest India was constantly under attack from various invaders from Central and West Asia. The Indo-Greek rule lasted from about 180 BC till about 55 BC. The Sakas (also written Shakas), alternatively known as Indo-Scythians, invaded northwest India in the first century BC onwards. Saka Era Origin The beginning of the Saka Era can be related to the ascent of the king Chashtana. The period of the Saka Era falls between 11 years and 52 years. This information was retrieved from the inscriptions of the king Chashtana. Scythians (referred to...