
Showing posts from March 19, 2017

inventors and invention

ssc preparation, important competetion questions, current affairs of india, latest question asked in competetion papers, 61. Who invented Submarine ? John Philip Holland  Comment on this question 62. Who invented Super Computer ? Seymour Cray  Comment on this question 63. Who invented Telescope ? Hans Lippershey of Netherlands in 1608.  Comment on this question 64. Who invented Java Language ? James Gosling  Comment on this question 65. Who invented Open Heart Surgery ? Dr. Daniel Hale Williams  Comment on this question 66. Who invented Penicillin ? Alexander Fleming of Britain in 1928.  Comment on this question 67. Who invented Chloroform as anaesthetic ? James Simpson of Britain in 1847.  Comment on this question 68. Who invented Optical Fibre ? Indian-born American physicist Narinder Kapany ...
ssc preparation, important competetion questions, current affairs of india, latest question asked in competetion papers, 41. Who invented Ballistic missile ? Wemher von Braun of Germany in 1944.  Comment on this question 42. Who invented Bleaching Powder ? Tennant of Britain in 1798  Comment on this question 43. Who invented Calculus ? Newton of Britain in 1670.  Comment on this question 44. Who invented Bicyle ? Kirkpatrick Macmillan of Britain.  Comment on this question 45. Who invented Television ? John Logie Baird  Comment on this question 46. Who invented Dynamo ? Hypolite Pixii of France in 1832  Comment on this question 47. Who invented Hydrogen bomb ? Edward Teller  Comment on this question 48. Who invented Neon Lamp ? Georges Claude who was a French engineer, chemist and inventor  Comme...