Statement and Arguments Questions

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Statement and Arguments Questions Answers

Each of the following questions consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II.

Give answer:
(A) If only argument I is strong
(B) If only argument II is strong
(C) If either I or II is strong
(D) If neither I nor II is strong and
(E) If both I and II are strong.
  • 1. Statement : Should judicial activism be discouraged ?
    Arguments : 
    I. No. If we leave everything in the hands of executive, justice may be distant dream.
    II. Yes. Judiciary should mind its own business. Executive will take its own course.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
  • 2. Statement : Should correspondence courses at the university level be discontinued in India ?
    Arguments : 
    I. Yes. Only interaction between teachers and students at the college helps total development of personality.
    II. No. The demand for discontinuance comes only from the elite who have no knowledge of what is meant by poverty.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
  • 3. Statement : Should the government levy tax on agricultural income also ?
    Arguments : 
    I. Yes. That is the only way to fill government coffers.
    II. No. Eighty percent of our population live in rural areas.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
  • 4. Statement : Should all Government owned educational institutions be handed over to private institutions ?

    Arguments : 
    I. Yes. Standard of education will improve.
    II. No. Standard of education will fall.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option D
    It is not that the government or the private institutions can provide higher standards of learning.
  • 5. Statement : Should new universities be established in India ?

    Argument : 
    I. No. We have still not achieved the target of literacy.
    II. No. We will have to face the problem of unemployed but highly qualified people.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option E
    Clearly, instead of improving upon higher education we should focus on increasing literacy rate first.
    Also more degree holders with the number of jobs remaining same will increase unemployment.
    So both arguments are strong.
  • 6. Statement : Should there be a ban on product advertising ?
    Arguments :
    I. No. It is an age of advertising. Unless your advertisement is better than your other competitors, the product will not be sold.
    II. Yes. The money spent on advertising is very huge and it inflates the cost of the product.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Only Argument II is strong as Argument I will not stand because advertisement will be banned for other competitors too.
  • 7. Statement : Should school education be made free in India ?
    Arguments : 
    I. Yes. This is the only way to improve the literacy rate in India.
    II. No. It would add the already heavy burden on the exchequer.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Making education free can not ensure full literacy. So argument I is vague.
    Argument II stands strong.
Each of the following questions consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II.

Give answer:
(A) If only argument I is strong
(B) If only argument II is strong
(C) If either I or II is strong
(D) If neither I nor II is strong and
(E) If both I and II are strong.
  • 1. Statement : Should there be a complete ban on strike by government employees in India ?
    Arguments :
    I. Yes. This is the only way to teach discipline to the employees.
    II. No. This deprives the citizens of their democratic rights.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
  • 2. Statement : Should luxury hotels be banned in India ?
    Arguments : 
    I. Yes. They are places from where international criminals operate.
    II. No. Affluent tourist will have no place to stay.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
  • 3. Statement: Should government jobs in rural areas have more incentives?


    I. Yes. Incentives are essential for attracting government servants there.
    II. No. Rural areas are already cheaper, healthier and less complex than big cities. So ? Why offer extra incentives.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
  • 4. Statement: Should 'computer knowledge' be made a compulsory subject for all the students at secondary school level?


    I. No, our need is 'bread' for everyone, we cannot follow western models.
    II. Yes. We cannot compete in the international market without equipping our children with computers.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Nowadays, computers have entered all walks of life and children need to be prepared for the same. So, argument II is strong. Argument I holds no relevance.
  • 5. Statement: Should family planning be made compulsory in India?


    I. Yes. Looking to the miserable conditions in India, there is no other go.
    II. No. In India there are people of various religions and family planning is against the tenets of some of the religions.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option E
    Family planning is an essential step to curb population growth. So, argument I holds strong. Also, family planning being against the tenets of some of the Indian religions, it is not necessary to make it compulsory. Instead, it can be enforced by creating public awareness of the benefits of family planning. So, argument II also holds.
  • 6. Statement: Should high chimneys be installed in industries?


    I. Yes. It reduces pollution at ground level.
    II. No. It increases pollution in upper atmosphere.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option A
    Pollution at ground level is the most hazardous in the way of being injurious to human and animal life. So, argument I alone holds.
  • 7. Statement: Are nuclear families better than joint families?


    I. No. Joint families ensure security and also reduce the burden of work.
    II. Yes. Nuclear families ensure greater freedom.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option E
    Clearly, with so many people around in a joint family, there is more security. Also, work is shared. So, argument I holds. In nuclear families, there are lesser number of people and so lesser responsibilities and more freedom. Thus, II also holds.

Statement and Arguments Questions Answers

Each of the following questions consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II.

Give answer:
(A) If only argument I is strong
(B) If only argument II is strong
(C) If either I or II is strong
(D) If neither I nor II is strong and
(E) If both I and II are strong.
  • 1. Statement: Should persons convicted of criminal offences in the past be allowed to contest elections in India?


    I. No. Such persons cannot serve the cause of the people and country.
    II. Yes. It is democracy - let people decide whom to vote.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option A
    Clearly, persons with criminal background cannot stand to serve as the representatives of the common people. So, they should not be allowed to contest elections. Thus, only argument I holds, while II does not.
  • 2. Statement: Should cutting of trees be banned altogether?


    I. Yes. It is very much necessary to do so to restore ecological balance.
    II. No. A total ban would harm timber based industries.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
  • 3. Statement: Should the political parties be banned?


    I. Yes. It is necessary to teach a lesson to the politicians.
    II. No. It will lead to an end of democracy.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option D
    Clearly, with the ban on political parties, candidates can independently contest elections. So, it will not end democracy. Thus, argument II does not hold. Argument I does not give a strong reason.
  • 4. Statement: Should taxes on colour television be further increased?


    I. Yes, Colour television is a luxury item and only rich people buy them.
    II. No, Televisions are bought by the poor too.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option D
    Clearly, taxes on an item cannot be increased or decreased on the basis of the financial position of the people who buy it. So, both arguments I and II do not hold strong.
  • 5. Statement: Is the Government justified in spending so much on defence?


    I. Yes. Safety of the country is of prime importance.
    II. No. During peace, this money could be used for the development of the country.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option A
    Clearly, defence is necessary for the safety of the country, which is of prime importance. So, argument I holds. Also, a country can concentrate on internal progress and development only when it is safe from external aggressions. So, argument II does not hold.
  • 6. Statement: Should public holidays be declared on demise of important national leaders?


    I. No. Such unscheduled holidays hamper national progress.
    II. Yes. People would like to pay their homage to the departed soul.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong
     Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option A
    Clearly, unscheduled and untimely holidays would naturally cause the work to suffer. So, argument I holds strong. Also, a holiday is not necessary to pay homage to someone. So, argument II is vague.
  • 7. Statement: Should India become a permanent member of UN's Security Council?


    I. Yes. India has emerged as a country which loves peace and amity.
    II. No. Let us first solve problems of our own people like poverty, malnutrition.

    1. Only argument I is strong
    2. Only argument II is strong
    3. Either I or II is strong
    4. Neither I nor II is strong
    5. Both I and II are strong


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