GK Questions: Indian Polity – Set 19
- The Prime Minister of India is
5.None of these
- ………………… is an extra constitutional body.
1.Finance Commission
2.Language Commission
3.Planning Commission
4.Election Commission
5.None of these
- …………………. is introduced by the Indian Parliament to the World Parliamentary System
1.Zero Hour
4.Question Hour
5.None of these
- The Authority to specify which castes shall be deemed to be scheduled castes rest with
1.Vice – President
2.Prime Minister
3.Chief Justice of India
5.None of these
- The proposal for the creation of new All India Services can be considered only
1.If Rajya Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority
2.If Lok Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority
3.If both Rajya Sabha & Lok Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority
4.If majority of State Legislature make such demand
5.None of these
- The Government of India Act, 1935 as a new charter of bandage was described by …………
1.BR Ambedkar
2.Rajesndra Prasad
3.Jawaharlal Nehru
4.Mahatma Gandhi
5.None of these
- Who enjoys the rank of Cabinet Minister in Union Cabinet ?
1.Secretary of GOI
2.Political Advisor to PM
3.Judge of SC
4.Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
5.None of these
- Judicial review in the Indian Constitution is based on …………………………….
1.Convention of Law
2.Procedure established by Law
3.Process of Law
4.Rule of Law
5.None of these
- Which two state had non- Congress Ministers in 1937 ?
1.Bijar & Uttar Pradesh
2.Madras & Bengal
3.Punjab & Bihar
4.Bengal & Punjab
5.None of these
- …………………. are the two types of democracy
1.Direct & Indirect
2.Parliamentary & King
3.Parliamentary & Presidential
4.Monarchical & Repblican
5.None of these
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