List of important National and International Days and Months

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List of important National and International Days and Months 

MonthDateObserved As
January9-JanNRI Day
 10-JanWorld Laughter Day
 12-JanNational Youth Day
 15-JanArmy Day
 25-JanNational Tourism Day
 26-JanIndia’s Republic Day, International Customs Day
 30-JanMartyrs’ Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day
FebruaryFebruary 2nd SundayWorld Marriage Day
 4-FebWorld Cancer Day
 13-FebWorld Radio day
 24-FebCentral Excise Day
 28-FebNational Science Day
MarchMarch 2nd MondayCommonwealth Day
 March 2ndThursdayWorld Kidney Day
 8-MarInternational Women’s Day
 March 2nd ThursdayWorld Kidney Day
 15-MarWorld Consumer Rights Day
 16-MarNational Vaccination Day
 18-MarOrdnance Factories Day (India)
 20-MarWorld Sparrow Day
 21-MarWorld Forestry Day
 21-MarInternational Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
 22-MarWorld Water Day
 23-MarWorld Meteorological Day/ World Earth Day
 24-MarWorld TB Day
April2-AprWorld Autism Awareness Day
 5-AprInternational Day for Mine Awareness; National Maritime Day
 7-AprWorld Health Day
 17-AprWorld Haemophilia Day
 18-AprWorld Heritage Day
 21-AprSecretaries’ Day
 21-AprNational Civil Services Day
 22-AprEarth Day
 23-AprWorld Book and Copyright Day
 25-AprilWorld Malaria Day
 26-AprWorld Intellectual Property Day
May1-MayWorkers’ Day (International Labour Day)
 May 1st TuesdayWorld Asthma Day
 3-MayPress Freedom Day; World Asthma Day
 May, 2nd SundayMother’s Day
 4-MayCoal Miners’ Day
 8-MayWorld Red Cross Day
 9-MayWorld Thalassaemia Day
 11-MayNational Technology Day
 12-MayWorld Hypertension Day; International Nurses Day
 15-MayInternational Day of the Family
 17-MayWorld Telecommunication Day
 24-MayCommonwealth Day
 31-MayAnti-tobacco Day
June4-JunInternational Day of Innocent Children, Victims of Aggression
 5-JunWorld Environment Day
 June, 3rd SundayFather’s Day
 14-JunWorld Blood Donor Day
 21-JunInternational Day of Yoga
 26-JunInternational Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
July1-JulDoctor’s Day
 6-JulWorld Zoonoses Day
 11-JulWorld Population Day
AugustAugust 1st SundayInternational Friendship Day
 3-AugInternational Friendship Day
 6-AugHiroshima Day
 8-AugWorld Senior Citizen’s Day
 9-AugQuit India Day, Nagasaki Day
 15-AugIndian Independence Day
 18-AugIntl. Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
 19-AugPhotography Day
 29-AugNational Sports Day
September2-SepCoconut Day
 5-SepTeachers’ Day
 8-SepInternational Literacy Day (UNESCO)
 15-SepEngineers’ Day
 16-SepWorld Ozone Day
 21-SepAlzheimer’s Day; Day for Peace & Non- violence (UN)
 22-SepRose Day (Welfare of cancer patients)
 26-SepDay of the Deaf
 27-SepWorld Tourism Day
October1-OctInternational Day for the Elderly
 2-OctGandhi Jayanthi; International Day of Non-Violence
 3-OctWorld Habitat Day
 4-OctWorld Animal Welfare Day
 8-OctIndian Air Force Day
 9-OctWorld Post Office Day
 10-OctNational Post Day
 October, 2nd ThursdayWorld Sight Day
 13-OctUN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
 15-OctWorld White Cane Day (guiding the blind)
 16-OctWorld Food Day
 24-OctUN Day; World Development Information Day
 30-OctWorld Thrift Day
November9-NovLegal Services Day
 14-NovChildren’s Day; Diabetes Day
 17-NovNational Epilepsy Day
 19-NovCitizens’ Day
 20-NovAfrica Industrialization Day
 29-NovInternational Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People
December1-DecWorld AIDS Day
 3-DecWorld Day of the Handicapped
 4-DecIndian Navy Day
 7-DecArmed Forces Flag Day
 10-DecHuman Rights Day; Intl. Children’s Day of Broadcasting
 18-DecMinorities Rights Day (India)
 22- DecNational Mathematics Day
 23-DecKisan Divas (Farmer’s Day) (India)


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