GK Questions and answers on recent development in the field of General Science

Cases of COVID-19 are increasing in the whole world. In various countries including China, the United States, and the UK clinical trials are conducting for appropriate results. 

1. Which international clinical trial is launched by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and partners to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19?
A. Solidarity
B. Dissidence
C. Severance
D. Dissension
Ans. A
Explanation: The Solidarity trial provides simplified procedures to enable even overloaded hospitals to participate, with no paperwork required. More than 80 countries are working together to find an effective therapeutics as soon as possible through the trial. Therefore, Solidarity trial will reduce the time taken by 80%.

2. Name an antiviral medicine used for a clinical trial by Gilead Sciences for COVID-19 treatment?
A. Favipiravir
B. Triazavirin
C. Remdesivir
D. None of the above
Ans. C
Explanation: Trial is conducted on COVID-19 patients in the Chicago hospital with Gilead Sciences' antiviral medicine remdesivir

3. Name the new tool that is aimed at matching potential volunteers to new clinical trials?
A. Country Without COVID
B. World Without COVID
C. Goal Without COVID
D. None of the above
Ans. B
Explanation: A new public health tool dubbed World Without COVID was launched with the aim of connecting patients to coronavirus clinical trials across the country.

4. .........tests favipiravir as a COVID-19 treatment.
A. Fijifilms
B. Fujifiran
C. Safoni team
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: Fujifilm is testing up production of its antiviral treatment favipiravir for COVID-19. Let us tell you that phase III clinical trials are ongoing in Japan, and the government has ordered 2 million treatment courses. In the US, Fujifilm started Phase II trials. Fujifilm sells Favipiravir under the brand name Avigan and it has been approved by Japan since 2014 to treat influenza and other viral strains that do not respond to other drugs.

5. Which of the following statement is correct about antiviral?
A. The work of antiviral drugs is to stop the replication of virus or infecting cells.
B. They include complex biotechnology therapies to older generics.
C. Examples of antiviral include HIV drugs, treatments for hepatitis C, etc.
D. All the above are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: Antiviral drugs stop the working of the virus from replicating or infecting cells. They include everything from complex biotechnology therapies to older generics. Examples of other antivirals include HIV drugs, treatments of hepatitis C, and the influenza treatment Tamiflu, etc.

6. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are which type of drugs?
A. Antiviral
B. Anti-Malarial
C. Anti-Bacterial
D. None of the above
Explanation: Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are anti-malarial drugs that have been tested in other outbreaks and for COVID-19 also.

7. What is the name of a therapy in which blood is infused from the recovered patients of COVID-19 to other critical COVID-19 patients?
A. Convalescent Plasma
B. Plasma Therapy
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Ans. C
Explanation: In Convalescent Plasma or Plasma Therapy the blood of the recovered person as it is rich in antibodies is used to treat other sick people. Here convalescent plasma is the liquid part of the blood from the recovered patients of COVID-19

8. Which of the following statements is/are true about Plasma?
A. The liquid part of the blood is plasma.
B. It is made up of only protein.
C. It consists of antibodies
D. Only A and C are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: The liquid part of the blood is plasma. It is made up of large water and proteins. It provides a medium for RBC, WBC and platelets to circulate through the body. And it also consists of antibodies.

9. For which outbreaks, Convalescent Plasma Therapy is also used?
A. Ebola Virus
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: Convalescent Plasma Therapy was used for the Ebola virus and other coronavirus diseases like SARS and MERS.

10. Which of the following statement is/are true about Novavax's vaccine?
A. It is meant to create antibodies that block a protein "spike" that the virus uses to infect its host.
B. After seeing a strong immune response in animal testing, Novavax selected its vaccine candidate in April.
C. Novavax Inc. is a company and the name of the drug is NVX-CoV2373.
D. All the above are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: Novavax's vaccine is meant to create antibodies that block a protein "spike" that the virus uses to infect its host. It has selected its vaccine candidate in April after seeing a strong immune response in animal testing.

These are some of the clinical trials that are going for COVID-19 treatment. Hoping, soon some positive results will come and we will get a vaccine for COVID-19. Till then maintain social distancing, stay at home and be safe.

1. Which of the following statement is/are correct about Favipiravir?
A. Favipiravir is an antiviral COVID-19 drug.
B. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals under the brand name FabiFlu has launched an antiviral drug Favipiravir.
C. It is India's first COVID-19 drug launched, priced at Rs 103 per tablet.
D. All the above are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: Favipiravir
 is an antiviral COVID-19 drug. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals under the brand name FabiFlu has launched an antiviral drug Favipiravir. It is India's first COVID-19 drug launched, priced at Rs 103 per tablet.

2. How many countries, areas or territories are suffering from novel coronavirus outbreak in the World?
A. More than 50
B. More than 100
C. More than 150
D. More than 200
Ans. D
Explanation: According to WHO, around 216 countries, areas or territories are suffering from novel coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak in the world till 11 June, 2020.

3.  Thailand announced that it has proceeded to test its novel coronavirus vaccine on which animal/bird?
A. Monkeys
B. Lizards
C. Hens
D. Kites
Ans. A
After seeing positive results on mice now Thailand announced that it has proceeded to test its novel coronavirus vaccine on monkeys. The vaccine uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology to weaken the strain of the virus and produce antigens to fight with the virus from the root.

4. In a study, which cells are found in COVID-19 patients 'bode well' for long term immunity?
A. P-cell
B. D-Cell
C. T-Cell
D. Endothelial Cells
Ans. C
Explanation: T cells are known as immune warriors help us fight some viruses, but their importance for battling SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has been unclear. Research is going on and maybe it can be fruitful. 

5. Name the vaccine that is jointly developed by the German company BioNTech and US pharma giant Pfizer for COVID-19?
A. BNT162
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Ans. A
Explanation: BNT162 is jointly developed by the German company BioNTech and US pharma giant Pfizer. It is a group of four potential vaccines based on the messenger RNA or mRNA, concept. On the other hand, PICOVACC is an inactivated vaccine developed by the private biopharma company Sinovac. These vaccines are in clinical trial phases.

6. Name a clinical trial in which blood is transfused from recovered COVID-19 patients to a coronavirus patient who is in critical condition?
A. Plasma Therapy
B. Solidarity
C. Remdesivir
D. Hydroxychloroquine
Ans. A
Explanation: Plasma Therapy or Convalescent Plasma Therapy is a clinical trial in which blood is transfused from recovered COVID-19 patients to a coronavirus patient who is in critical condition.

7.  How does Coronavirus transmit?
A. When a person sneezes or cough, droplets spread in the air or fall on the ground and nearby surfaces.
B. If another person is nearby and inhales the droplets or touches these surfaces and further touches his face, eyes or mouth, he or she can get an infection.
C. If the distance is less than 1 meter from the infected person.
D. All the above are correct.
Ans. D
Explanation: Coronavirus (COVID-19) transmits through the above-mentioned options.

8. What happens to a person suffering from COVID-19?
A. Around 80% of the people will require no treatment as such and will recover on their own.
B. Around <20% or a small proportion may need hospitalisation.
C. A very small proportion basically suffering from chronic illness may need admission in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
D. All the above are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: A person who develops COVID-19: Majority of the people (80%) does not require treatment and will recover on their own, small proportion (<20%) may need hospitalisation and a very small proportion who are underlying chronic illness may need to admit in an ICU.

9. In which age group the COVID-19 spreads?
A. COVID-19 occur in all age groups.
B. Coronavirus infection is mild in children.
C. Older person and persons with pre-existing medical conditions are at high risk to develop serious illness.
D. All the above are correct,
Ans. D
Explanation: COVID-19 occur in all the age groups. But according to AIMS the infection of coronavirus is mild in children. Persons are at risk who are old and a person suffering from some medical conditions like high blood pressure, cancer, lung disease, diabetes, heart disease. 

10.  What is Coronavirus?
A. It is a large family of viruses.
B. It belongs to the family of Nidovirus.
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Only A is correct.
Ans. C
Explanation: Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses and belong to the Nidovirus family or Nidovirales order, which includes Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae families.

11. World Health Organisation on 11 February, 2020 announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak? What is the new name of the disease?
B. COVn-19
C. COnV-20
D. COnVID-19
Ans. A
Explanation: WHO named the disease that is caused by the novel coronavirus as COVID-19.

12. The first case of novel coronavirus was identified in .....
A. Beijing
B. Shanghai
C. Wuhan, Hubei 
D. Tianjin
Ans. C
Explanation: The first case of novel coronavirus was identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

13. Which of the following diseases are related to coronavirus?
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Ans. C
Explanation: Coronavirus may cause illness from the common cold to more other serious diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

14.  Mild Symptoms of Novel coronavirus are:
A. Fever
B. Cough
C. Shortness of breath
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: People infected with novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV reported with mild symptoms namely fever, cough and shortness of breath. Whereas other common symptoms may include runny nose, headache, sore throat, a general feeling of unwell, etc.

15. From where coronavirus got its name?
A. Due to their crown-like projections.
B. Due to their leaf-like projections.
C. Due to their surface structure of bricks.
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: Due to their crown-like projections on the surfaces coronaviruses got their name. The virus resembles a crown when viewed under an electron microscope. "Corona” in Latin means "halo" or "crown".

16. What are the precautions that need to be taken to protect from the coronavirus?
A. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing.
B. Add more garlic into your diet.
C. Visit your doctor for antibiotics treatment
D. Wash your hands after every hour.
Ans. A
Explanation: According to WHO, a person can take precautions by covering the nose and mouth while sneezing via tissue or an elbow. Then, immediately throw the tissue into a closed dustbin.

You might have noticed while looking up the sky that the Moon looks a little different each night. This is due to the various phases of the Moon and types.

1. Which of the following are the different types of Full Moons?
A. Blood Moons
B. Supermoons
C. Blue Moons
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: There are several types of unusual full moon types including blood moons, supermoons, blue moons, and harvest moons, and others.

2. Who coined the term “Supermoon”?
 A. Richard Nolle
B. Michel Gauquelin
C. Shawn Carlson
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: In 1979, an American astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term supermoon to describe both a new and a full moon occurring at or near perigee.

3.  Supermoon is also known as......
A. Perigee-syzygy Moon
B. Perigee Moon
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: Supermoon is also known as perigee-syzygy Moon and is also spelled as Super Moon.

4. How a supermoon occurs?
A. It occurs when the Moon is at perigee.
B. When Moon is at the closest point to Earth in its 27-day orbit.
C. The moon at its full phase happens every 29.5 days when the sun fully illuminates the moon.
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: Mainly there are two reasons for the supermoon to occur namely when the moon is at its closest approach or perigee, to the Earth in its 27-day orbit and second is the moon need to be at the full phase that happens every 29.5 days when the sun fully illuminates the moon.

5. Super Pink Moon gets its name from.....
A. Wildflowers
B. Grass
C. Soil
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: Super Pink Moon gets its name from the pink wildflowers called Wild Ground Phlox. They bloom in the spring season and are native to North America.

6. In how many days the moon orbits the Earth?
A. 27 days
B. 28 Days
C. 29 Days
D. 30 Days
Ans. A
Explanation: Once every 27.322 days, the moon orbits the earth. That is it takes approximately 27 days to rotate once on its axis.

7. The well-known cycle of the Moon's phases is governed by which month?
A. Sidereal month
B. Synodic month
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Ans. B
Explanation: Synodic month is the most familiar lunar cycle as it governs the well-known cycle of the Moon's phases. The mean length of the synodic month is 29.53059 days.

8. Name the full bright Moon that occurs closest to the start of autumn is known as.....
A. Harvest Moon
B. Blue Moon
C. Super Pink Moon
D. Blood Moon
Ans. A
Explanation: Harvest Moon term refers to the full, bright Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox.

9. Super Pink Moon is also known as......
A. Samkal Moon
B. Paschal Moon
C. Samach Moon
D. Puravach Moon
Ans. B
Explanation: As this full moon is the first full moon of the spring season, so-called as "Paschal Moon" that helps to set the date of Easter. The general rule is that the first Sunday after the occurrence of the Paschal Moon is designated as Easter.

10. Which of the following statement is correct about Full Moon?
A. All full moons do not look the same.
B. A full moon occurs when the Moon side facing Earth is fully lit up by the Sun.
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Neither A nor B are correct
Ans. C
Explanation: A full moon occurs when the side of the Moon facing the Earth is fully lit up by the Sun and all full moons do not look the same.


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