Crematoriums (Samadhi sthals) of famous people in India

✍️ Crematoriums  (Samadhi sthals) of famous people in India:

1. Mahatma Gandhi: Raj Ghat (Royal Steps)

2. Lal Bahadur Shastri: Vijay Ghat, Delhi (Victory Platform)

3. Chaudhary Charan Singh (PM): Kisan Ghat, Delhi (Farmer’s Platform)

4. Rajiv Gandhi: Veer Bhumi, Delhi (Land of Brave)

5. Jawaharlal Nehru: Shanti Van, Delhi (Garden of Peace)

6. Indira Gandhi: Shakti Sthal, Delhi (Place of Power)

7. Sanjay Gandhi: Shanti Van, Delhi

8. Morarji Desai: Abhay Ghat, Ahmedabad

9. Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma: Karma Bhumi (Land of Duty)

10. Dr Rajendra Prasad: Mahaprayan Ghat, Patna

11. Gulzarilal Nanda: Narayan Ghat, Ahmedabad

12. KR Narayanan: Uday Bhoomi, Delhi

13. PV Narasimha Rao: PV Ghat (Buddha Poornima Park)

14. BR Ambedkar: Chaitya Bhoomi, Dadar

15. Krishna Kant (Vice-President): Nigambhoot Ghat

16. Giani Zail Singh (President): Ekta Sthal, Delhi (Place of Unity)

17. Jagjivan Ram (Deputy PM): Samta Stal (Place of Equality)

18. Devi Lal (Deputy PM): Sangharsh Stal (Place of Struggle)

19. Chandra Shekhar (PM): Jannayak Stal (Place of People’s Leader)

20. IK Gujral (PM): Smriti Sthal (Place of Remembrance)


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