International Olympic Day

❇️ 23 JUNE

⚜️International Olympic Day

🚴‍♂️First Olympic Day was celebrated on 23 June 1948 in London

🚴‍♀️The founder of the modern Olympic games, Pierre de Coubertin

🚴‍♀️Olympic Rings 
🔵 Europe 🟡Asia ⚫️Africa
🟢 Australia. 🔴 America


💎 Summer Olympic
2021- Tokyo Japan 
2024 - Paris France 
2028 - Los Angeles USA 

💎 Winter Olympic
2022 - Beijing China 
2026 - Milan & Cortina Italy


🔶Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard will be first trans athlete to compete at Olympics

🔹Bhavani Devi : 1st Indian Fencer to qualify for an Olympics

🔹Netra Kumanan: 1st Indian Women Sailor to qualify for an Olympics

🔷Ashok Kumar, the only Indian referee to officiate in wrestling in Tokyo Olympics

🔷Seiko Hashimoto : President of the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

🔹International Olympic Committee's 'Believe in Sport' campaign BA : P.V. Sindhu and Michelle Li (Canada)

💐International Olympic Committee (IOC) : Lausanne, Switzerland


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