The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams

🔰The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams 🔰

 1. CONGESTED (ADJECTIVE): (भीड़): crowded 

Synonyms: overcrowded, full 

Antonyms: clear 

Example Sentence: 

The congested streets and lanes led to me being late for the concert. 

2. COLLISION (NOUN): (टकराव): conflict 

Synonyms: clash opposition 

Antonyms: coalescence 

Example Sentence: 

A collision of two diverse cultures and languages took place when they met. 

3. MANDATE (NOUN): (आदेश): instruction 

Synonyms: directive, direction 

Antonyms: suggestion 

Example Sentence: 

A mandate was needed to seek the release of political prisoners. 

4. DEFY (VERB): (अवहेलना करना): disobey 

Synonyms: go against, flout 

Antonyms: obey 

Example Sentence: 

A person who defies convention is always ignored. 

5. SOLACE (NOUN): (सांत्वना): comfort 

Synonyms: consolation, cheer 

Antonyms: ache 

Example Sentence: 

She sought solace in her passion for art and drama. 

6. SURPASS (VERB): (श्रेष्ठ होना): excel 

Synonyms: exceed, outdo 

Antonyms: fail 

Example Sentence: 

The levels of production were surpassed. 

7. BAR (VERB): (ताला लगाना): bolt 

Synonyms: lock, fasten 

Antonyms: unbar 

Example Sentence: 

She bolted and barred the door. 

8. DESPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (बेताब): despairing 

Synonyms: hopeless, anguished 

Antonyms: cheerful 

Example Sentence: 

A desperate sadness sorrounded her. 

9. STAGNANT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): inactive 

Synonyms: sluggish, slow 

Antonyms: active 

Example Sentence: 

The Indian economy has become stagnant. 

10. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish 

Synonyms: decrease, reduce 

Antonyms: increase 

Example Sentence: 

Traffic has dwindled to a trickle
🛑पोस्ट अच्छी लगी हो तो शेयर जरुर कीजिए।


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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive exams|| 20.09.20