💐What is the total number of bones in the human skull? -

Ans - 22

💐Lemon is sour due to-

Ans - Citric Acid
By aso ebooks
💐How many cells are found in human heart? -

Ans - 4

💐 What is the normal body temperature? -

Answer - 98.4 ° F

💐The metal ion present in Vitamin B12 is-
By aso institute
Answer: Cobalt

💐What is the number of chromosomes in a normal human body cell? -

Answer - 46

💐In which carrots are rich in calories along with vitamins. -

Answer - Vitamin-A

💐Oxygen carries protein in blood -
By aso institute
Answer: Hemoglobin

💐Who is responsible for converting milk into curd? -

Answer: Bacteria

💐Which gland is caused by ioidine deficiency? -
By aso institute
Answer: Thyroid


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Daily CA One Liners 6 Sept 2020 From THE HINDU NEWPAPER

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