The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive exams

📕 The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive exams 📕 || 

💐1. AIDE (NOUN):
(सहयोगी): assistant 
Synonyms: helper, adviser 
Antonyms: boss 
Example Sentence: The presidential aide was just 23. 

💐2. DETAIN (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): hold 
Synonyms: seize, confine 
Antonyms: release 
Example Sentence: Customs officers may detain all the goods. 

💐3. SCRAMBLE (VERB): (अव्यवस्थित करना): disarrange 
Synonyms: muddle, confuse 
Antonyms: organize, align 
Example Sentence: Maybe the alcohol scrambled his brains. 

💐4. EXEMPT (VERB): (छूट देना): spared 
Synonyms: free from, not liable to 
Antonyms: liable to, subject to 
Example Sentence: These patients are exempt from charges. 

💐5. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish 
Synonyms: decrease, reduce 
Antonyms: increase, flourish 
Example Sentence: Traffic has dwindled to a trickle. 

💐6. RECUMBENT (NOUN): (समतल): flat 
Synonyms: lying, horizontal 
Antonyms: erect, standing 
Example Sentence: They are not recumbent, and the hair falling from the head is curled. 

💐7. INCUMBENT (ADJECTIVE): (पदधारी): present 
Synonyms: current, existing 
Antonyms: past, future 
Example Sentence: The incumbent President was defeated. 

💐8. SHUN (VERB): (टालना): avoid 
Synonyms: evade, eshew 
Antonyms: accept, welcome 
Example Sentence: He shunned fashionable society. 

💐9. AMELIORATE (VERB): (सुधार होना): improve 
Synonyms: enhance, better 
Antonyms: worsen 
Example Sentence: The reform did much to ameliorate living standards. 

💐10. OUTRAGE (NOUN): (उल्लंघन करना): violate 
Synonyms: infuriate, enrage 
Antonyms: Compliment 
Example Sentence: The public were outraged at the brutality involved. 

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